Timeline of Legal Milestones on Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Latin America

Internacional and regional milestones

National milestones




III Agreed Resolution of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CRPD

III Meeting of the Regional Conference on Population and Development

In this document, the States of the region decide to reaffirm "the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development as the basis for a comprehensive and strategic roadmap for national and regional action on population and development, which provides specific orientations and guidelines for the region in this area beyond 2014".

Complete Milestone



Montevideo Strategy for Implementation of the Regional Gender Agenda within the Sustainable Development Framework by 2030

XIII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Montevideo Strategy comprises 74 measures for the ten axes for implementation that are agreed upon at the regional level by the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean, and which are subsequently adapted to the priorities and needs of the countries and inserted into the sustainable development plans, although they are applicable at different levels (national, subnational, local, regional and international). In this strategic document, the States Parties agree to define that ""The Regional Gender Agenda identifies agreements for gender equality and women's autonomy in relation to multiple issues that can be grouped into critical dimensions linked to human rights, and which, therefore, recognize women as subjects of rights and the States as guarantors of these rights, while ratifying their universal, indivisible, inalienable and interdependent nature: ii) Sexual and reproductive rights in relation to: information and comprehensive sexual education; safe and quality abortion services, in cases where abortion is legal or decriminalized in national legislation; contraception; integrated social health services; maternal mortality; sexual orientation and gender identity; universal and accessible services; disability and old age; eradication of pregnancy in girls, prevention of pregnancy and teenage motherhood; sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS; health emergencies; healthy motherhood; technological development; different types of families.

Complete Milestone



Montevideo Consensus

Regional Conference on Population and Development of Latin America and the Caribbean

María Eugenia Cerutti

The Montevideo Consensus is a milestone in the sexual and reproductive rights agenda at the regional and global level because it establishes the first definition of sexual and reproductive rights agreed upon at the intergovernmental level, and indicates a concrete regional agenda, a true roadmap with clear lines of action in addition to 130 points that recognize the need to establish accountability and follow-up mechanisms, as well as definitions based on the international human rights obligations of States.

Complete Milestone

Santo Domingo Consensus

XII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

In this document there is a chapter that states that women's autonomy is an essential factor in guaranteeing the exercise of their human rights in a context of full equality and, in particular, that control over their bodies, their integral health and the right to a life free of violence (physical autonomy) is an essential factor in guaranteeing the exercise of their human rights in a context of full equality.

Complete Milestone

Law No. 19,167: Regulation of assisted human reproduction techniques.

Law 19.167 regulates assisted human reproduction techniques, establishing the State's duty to guarantee that these procedures are included in the benefits of the National Health System.

Complete Milestone



Artavia Murillo Et Al. v. Costa Rica

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Victoria Holguin

In this decision, the Court emphasized that the pre-implantation embryo is not covered by the terms of Article 4 of the Convention and recalled the principle of gradual and incremental protection of prenatal life.

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Brasilia Consensus

XI Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

The States of the region adopted action agreements for the promotion of women's autonomy and gender equality, which include a specific chapter on "Promoting women's comprehensive health and sexual and reproductive rights" (Chapter 6).

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